Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Rats Won

My move downtown wasn’t a hasty decision by any means, but that didn’t mean that I would like the change any better just because I thought about it for a long time. I must say that living in the midst of everything was rather lonely. I found that I missed the green spaces, wanted to see familiar faces smiling back at me, missed being able to walk a few paces and find myself in the company of good friends. And then there was that whole rat issue.

For whatever reason, October greeted me with strange and disconsolate feelings. I don’t know if the new apartment was the cause or if it just contributed to the pervading melancholy. I do know that my bedroom getting flooded after a particularly heavy monsoon rain didn’t help matters. Note to self: don’t leave the vibrator plugged in next to the bed (wouldn’t that be the shock of the lifetime?).

So I have moved back into my old neighborhood on the outskirts of the city, closer to my school. It is a thirteen building apartment complex with a big open green field and a pond at the center. Lots of children and tons of new babies this year. My apartment overlooks all the green, not like my apartment last year that looked straight into another building. The best part is Courtney is two floors up and Sunny is two buildings over. Life is good.

1 comment:

pat said...

Beautiful apartment! Sounds as if you have had a rough go of it the first several months of school...but I am glad that you are back among friends and away from the rats....haven't seen one here...but there are plenty of squirrels that lady likes to chase when we go for our walks. I am grading papers today and have written to three guys on Match. Two rejected me, so I am still on the lookout for my guy who may have kisses waiting in the wings. Nannie and Walter Milliner came over yesterday for lunch; I had salmon, a pasta salad, and apple pie. It was so good. Got to get back to work. Love ya! Hug yourself for me. Pat